Presentations (Before FY2021)
International conference presentation (Oral, Poster)
- Ken Komiya, Teruya Enomoto and Masayuki Yamamura (selected for oral presentation, poster)
“Construction of DNA Amplification Circuit for Directing DNA Nanodevices and Quantifying Nucleic Acids”
(Proceedings of Twentyfifth International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA25), to appear, Seattle, August 2019) - Teruya Enomoto and Ken Komiya (poster)
“Experimental investigation on encapsulation of isothermal nucleic acid amplification reaction into tiny chambers”
(International Symposium on “Artificial Cell Reactor Science and Technology”, pp. 53, Tokyo, April 2018) - Ibuki Kawamata, Shota Kawakami, Yu-Chin Chen, Shogo Hiratsuka, Sho Aradachi, Daisuke Tamatsuki, Hayato Yuuki, Takuto Takahashi, Eiki Ishihara, Shunsuke Imai, Hayato Otaka, Yuto Otak, Kenta Suzuki, Taiki Watanabe, Ken Komiya, Fumi Takabatake, Shin-Ichiro Nomura and Satoshi Murata. (selected for oral presentation)
“Autonomous and Programmable Strand Generator Implemented as DNA Chemical Reaction Network”
(Proceedings of Twentysecond International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA22), to appear, Munich, September 2016) - J. A. Rose and Ken Komiya (selected for oral presentation at the Best Conference Paper Award session)
“Analysis and Design of a Single-Molecule DNA Nanodevice for Thermal Band-Pass Filters”
(Proceedings of the 11th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE-NEMS 2016), (6 pages), Matsushima Bay and Sendai MEMS City, April 2016 - Ken Komiya, Erimi Harada and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“A Sequential DNA Generation Circuit for Directing DNA Nanomachines”
(Proceedings of Twentieth International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA20), pp. 64, Kyoto, September 2014) - Takashi Kitajima, Ken Komiya, Masayuki Hayakawa, Masahiro Takinoue and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Construction of a DNA-based stimuli-responsive microhydrogel”
(Proceedings of Nineteenth International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA19), pp. 83, Tempe, September 2013) - Ken Komiya, Asako Kobayashi and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Construction of a DNA Generation circuit for sequential control of nanomachines”
(Proceedings of Seventeenth International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA17), pp. 48, Pasadena, September 2011) - Ryo Hirose, Satoshi Kobayashi, and Ken Komiya (oral)
“DNA Logic Circuits with a DNA Polymerase and a Nicking Enzyme”
(Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’11), pp. 713-719, Las Vegas, July 2011) - Toshikazu Taki, Ken Komiya and Masayuki Yamamura (selected for oral presentation)
“Autonomous Restoration of a DNA Track for a Sustained Walk of a DNA Walking Device Driven by Nicking Reaction”
(Proceedings of 8th Annual Conference on Foundation of Nanoscience (FNANO11), pp. 22-23, Snowbird, April 2011) - Ken Komiya, Masayuki Yamamura and John A. Rose (poster)
“Operational Design, Tuning, and Experimental Validation of a Single-Molecule Tristate DNA Nanodevice”
(Proceedings of Sixteenth International Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA16), pp. 207-208, Hong Kong, June 2010) - Ken Komiya, Masayuki Yamamura and John A. Rose (selected for oral presentation)
“Experimental Validation of Signal Dependent Operation in Whiplash PCR”
(Proceedings of Fourteenth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA14), pp. 57-67, Prague, June 2008) - Masafumi Fuita, Ken Komiya and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Synthetic Nicking Reaction for A Programmed Walk by A Multi-legged DNA Walking Device”
(Proceedings of Fourteenth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA14), pp. 180, Prague, June 2008) - Masafumi Fuita, Ken Komiya and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Experimental Analysis for a Multi-legged DNA Walking Device That Moves in an Autonomous and Programmable Way”
(Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Natural Computing (IWNC 2007), Nagoya, December 2007) - Masayuki Yamamura, Ken Komiya and Noriko Hirayama (oral)
“An Implementation of Aqueous Memory Molecules with Light Responsive DNAs”
(Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2007), pp. 1843-1848, Singapore, September 2007) - Ken Komiya, Noriko Hirayama, and Masayuki Yamamura (selected for oral presentation)
“An Interface for a Computing Model Using Methylation to Allow Precise Population Control by Quantitative Monitoring”
(Proceedings of Thirteenth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA13), pp. 180-190, Memphis, June 2007) - Hiroyuki Sekiguchi, Ken Komiya, Daisuke Kiga and Masayuki Yamamura (selected for oral presentation)
“A realization of DNA molecular machine that walks autonomously by using a restriction enzyme”
(Proceedings of Thirteenth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA13), pp. 91-100, Memphis, June 2007) - Ken Komiya, Satsuki Yaegashi, Masami Hagiya and John A. Rose (poster)
“Experimental Validation of the Statistical Thermodynamic Model for Prediction of the Behavior of a Hairpin-forming DNA Machine”
(Proceedings of Fifth East Asian Biophysics Symposium & Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (EABS & BSJ 2006), Okinawa, November 2006) - Ken Komiya, Satsuki Yaegashi, Masami Hagiya, Akira Suyama and John A. Rose (poster)
“Experimental Validation of the Statistical Thermodynamic Model for Prediction of the Behavior of Autonomous Molecular Computers Based on DNA Hairpin Formation”
(Proceedings of Twelfth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA12), pp. 382-392, Seoul, June 2006) - John A. Rose, Ken Komiya, Satsuki Yaegashi and Masami Hagiya (poster)
“Displacement Whiplash PCR: Optimized architecture and experimental validation”
(Proceedings of Twelfth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA12), pp. 393-403, Seoul, June 2006) - Tomohiro Suzuki, Ken Komiya and Satoshi Murata (poster)
“Reversible Signal Amplification by Linear Hybridization Chain Reaction”
(Proceedings of Twelfth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA12), pp. 418, Seoul, June 2006) - Mitsuhiro Kubota, Kazumasa Ohtake, Ken Komiya, Kensaku Sakamoto and Masami Hagiya (oral)
“Branching DNA Machines Based on Transitions of Hairpin Structures”
(Proceedings of 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), pp. 2542-2548, Canberra, December 2003) - Ken Komiya, Kensaku Sakamoto, Daisuke Kiga and Shigeyuki Yokoyama (selected for oral presentation)
“Evaluation of the potential of an autonomous DNA computer on the basis of molecular biology experiments”
(Proceedings of Eighth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA8), pp. 199, Sapporo, June 2002) - Masanori Arita, Akio Nishikawa, Masami Hagiya, Ken Komiya, Kensaku Sakamoto, Hidetaka Gouzu and Shigeyuki Yokoyama (oral)
“Improving Sequence Design for DNA Computing”
(Proceedings of Fifth Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO2000), pp. 875-882, Las Vegas, July 2000) - Ken Komiya, Kensaku Sakamoto, Hidetaka Gouzu, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Masanori Arita, Akio Nishikawa and Masami Hagiya (oral)
“Successive State Transitions with I/O Interface by Molecules”
(Proceedings of Sixth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA6), pp. 21-30, Leiden, June 2000) - Kensaku Sakamoto, Daisuke Kiga, Ken Komiya, Hidetaka Gouzu, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, Shuji Ikeda, Hiroshi Sugiyama, and Masami Hagiya (oral)
“State Transitions by Molecules”
(Proceedings of Fourth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA4), pp. 87-99, Philadelphia, June 1998)
Domestic conference presentation (Oral, Poster)
- Shuntaro Sato, Masayuki Yamamura and Ken Komiya (oral)
“Optimization of the multi-step DNA computing reaction using oxDNA MD simulation”
(CBI学会2020年大会,オンライン,2020年10月) - Shuntaro Sato, Masayuki Yamamura and Ken Komiya (poster)
“Optimization of the multi-step DNA computing reaction that implements a state machine”
(第58回日本生物物理学会年会,オンライン,2020年9月) - Ken Komiya, Chizuru Noda, Teruya Enomoto and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Experimental Investigation of DNA Generation Circuits toward Molecular Robot Control”
(CBI学会2019年大会,東京都江戸川区,2019年10月) - Ken Komiya, Teruya Enomoto and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Characterization of DNA Generation Circuits for Controlling DNA Nanodevices”
(第57回日本生物物理学会年会,宮崎市,2019年9月) - Yuske Sato, Ken Komiya, Ibuki Kawamata, Satoshi Murata and Shin-Ichiro M. Nomura (oral)
“Amplification of specific DNA molecules inside giant unilamellar vesicles at isothermal and physiological temperature”
(第57回日本生物物理学会年会,宮崎市,2019年9月) - 榎本輝也,山村雅幸,小宮健 (poster)
(第2回分子ロボティクス年次大会,東京都目黒区,2019年3月) - Ken Komiya, Chizuru Noda and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Construction of a DNA Generation Circuit toward Engineering of DNA-based Signal Transduction Systems”
(第56回日本生物物理学会年会,岡山市,2018年9月) - 小宮健,榎本輝也,曽我直樹,田端和仁,野地博行,山村雅幸 (poster)
(第1回分子ロボティクス年次大会,仙台市,2018年3月) - 佐藤佑介,小宮健,川又生吹,村田智,野村 M. 慎一郎 (oral)
(第1回分子ロボティクス年次大会,仙台市,2018年3月) - Ken Komiya, Satoshi Kobayashi, John A. Rose (oral)
“Engineering thermal response of a DNA nanodevice”
(第55回日本生物物理学会年会,熊本市,2017年9月) - Yusuke Sato, Yuki Suzuki, Ibuki Kawamata, Satoshi Murata, Yuichi Hiratsuka, Ken Komiya, Masayuki Endo, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura (poster)
“Development of a cell-sized molecular robot controlled by an external molecular signal”
(第55回日本生物物理学会年会,熊本市,2017年9月) - 若林優太,小宮健,山村雅幸 (poster)
(極限環境生物学会2016年度(第17回)年会,横浜市,2016年11月) - 小宮健,若林優太,山村雅幸 (poster)
(「細胞を創る」研究会9.0,東京都新宿区,2016年11月) - Ken Komiya, Chizuru Noda, Makoto Komori, Kesu Dong, Toshio Takenaka, Teruya Enomoto, Toru Yoshimura and Masayuki Yamamura (oral)
“Construction of an isothermal DNA amplification reaction system for simplified nucleic acid test”
(第10回バイオ関連化学シンポジウム,金沢市,2016年9月) - Ken Komiya, Chizuru Noda and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Construction of a DNA Generation Circuit for a Molecular Robot”
(CBI学会2015年大会,東京都江戸川区,2015年10月) - Ken Komiya, Kesu Dong, Toshio Takenaka and Masayuki Yamamura (oral)
“Construction of a DNA generation reaction system for autonomous DNA-based computing at a physiological temperature”
(第53回日本生物物理学会年会,金沢市,2015年8月) - Ken Komiya, et al. (poster)
“Construction of an isothermal exponential amplification reaction system for highly sensitive nucleic acid test”
(日本化学会第95春季年会,船橋市,2015年3月) - 小宮健,山村雅幸 (oral)
(日本機械学会 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム講演論文集, 21pm2-F4,松江市,2014年10月) - 外舘悠仁,小宮健,山村雅幸 (poster)
(日本機械学会 第6回マイクロ・ナノ工学シンポジウム講演論文集, 21pm3-PM024,松江市,2014年10月) - 小宮健 (poster)
“VEAM: 研究者と市民をつなぐ科学知識の視覚化”
(「細胞を創る」研究会6.0,鶴岡市,2013年11月) - 北島貴司,小宮健,早川雅之,森田雅宗,瀧ノ上正浩,山村雅幸 (poster)
(「細胞を創る」研究会6.0,鶴岡市,2013年11月) - Takashi Kitajima, Ken Komiya, Masayuki Hayakawa, Masahiro Takinoue and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Introduction of DNA nanodevices into a hydrogel for achieving its stimuli-responsive behavior”
(第51回日本生物物理学会年会,京都市,2013年10月) - 小宮健 (poster)
(「細胞を創る」研究会5.0,横浜市,2012年11月) - 星健介,厚美佑輔,齋藤健,山下仁義,松戸里紗,番匠康雄,小長谷明彦,木賀大介,山村雅幸,小宮健,瀧ノ上正浩 (poster)
“Biomolecular Rocket”
(「細胞を創る」研究会5.0,横浜市,2012年11月) - Ken Komiya, Asako Kobayashi and Masayuki Yamamura (oral)
“Construction of a nucleic-acid-responsive DNA synthesis system for diagnostic DNA-based computing”
(第50回日本生物物理学会年会,名古屋市,2012年9月) - 光成更,井上貴彦,林孝文,河村秀樹,喜屋武竜一,菅谷快斗,張子聡,松川寛,川又生吹,萩谷昌己,小長谷明彦,木賀大介,山村雅幸,小宮健,瀧ノ上正浩 (oral)
(システム・情報部門 学術講演会 2011 (SSI2011) 講演論文集,pp. 396-398,東京都渋谷区,2011年11月) - Ken Komiya, Asako Kobayashi and Masayuki Yamamura (poster)
“Construction of an Intelligent Robot with Molecules Based on Autonomous DNA Computing Technology”
(CBI/JSBi2011合同大会,神戸市,2011年11月) - Ken Komiya, Asako Kobayashi and Masayuki Yamamura (selected for oral presentation, poster)
“Construction of molecular modules for an intelligent molecular robot that implements sensing, judgment and synthesis for controlling biological events without human intervention”
(「細胞を創る」研究会4.0,豊中市,2011年10月) - Sara Mitsunari, Kiyohiko Inoue, Takafumi Hayashi, Hideki Kawamura, Ryuichi Kyan, Kaito Sugaya, Zicong Zhang, Hiroshi Matsukawa, Ibuki Kawamata, Masami Hagiya, Akihiko Konagaya, Daisuke Kiga, Masayuki Yamamura, Ken Komiya and Masahiro Takinoue (poster)
“Construction of a micrometer-sized molecular robot “DNA ciliate””
(「細胞を創る」研究会4.0,豊中市,2011年10月) - Ken Komiya, Asako Kobayashi and Masayuki Yamamura (oral, selected for a poster)
“Construction of a molecular robot system that autonomously monitors, judges, and controls biomolecular reaction”
(第49回日本生物物理学会年会,姫路市,2011年9月) - 小宮健,小林麻子,山村雅幸 (poster)
(「細胞を創る」研究会 3.0,東京都目黒区,2010年11月) - Ken Komiya, Masayuki Yamamura and John A. Rose (poster)
“Transcription control by a synthetic thermal band pass filter implemented with a single DNA molecule”
(第48回日本生物物理学会年会,仙台市,2010年9月) - 小宮健,ジョン A. ローズ,山村雅幸 (oral)
“自律DNA分子計算 ‐ in vitro インテリジェンスの構築”
(システム・情報部門 学術講演会 2009 (SSI2009) 講演論文集,pp. 480-485,横浜市,2009年11月) - Ken Komiya, Masayuki Yamamura and John A. Rose (selected for oral presentation, poster)
“Thermal band pass filter implemented with a bistable DNA”
(第47回日本生物物理学会年会,徳島市,2009年11月) - Ken Komiya, Masayuki Yamamura and John A. Rose (poster)
“Signal dependent operation of a DNA state machine controlled by primer-targeted strand displacement”
(第46回日本生物物理学会年会,福岡市,2008年12月) - 藤田政文,小宮健,山村雅幸 (poster)
(MesoMolSys研究会 第1回夏季セミナー2008,東京都文京区,2008年9月) - 小宮健,山村雅幸,ジョン A. ローズ (poster)
(MesoMolSys研究会 第1回夏季セミナー2008,東京都文京区,2008年9月) - Ken Komiya, Masami Hagiya and John A. Rose (poster)
“DNA state machine driven by primer-targeted strand displacement”
(第45回日本生物物理学会年会,横浜市,2007年12月) - 小宮健 (poster)
~ in vitro インテリジェンスから in situ インテリジェンスへ ~”
(「細胞を創る」研究会 0.0,東京都江東区,2006年11月) - 小宮健,坂本健作,横山茂之,萩谷昌己,ジョン・アンソニー・ローズ (poster)
(第27回日本分子生物学会年会,神戸市,2004年12月) - 小宮健,坂本健作,横山茂之,萩谷昌己 (poster)
(第26回日本分子生物学会年会,神戸市,2003年12月) - 小宮健,坂本健作,横山茂之,有田正規,萩谷昌己 (poster)
(第24回日本分子生物学会年会,横浜市,2001年12月) - 坂本健作,小宮健,横山茂之,萩谷昌己 (oral)
(新しい計算パラダイムシンポジウム2000 論文集, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ, Vol. 2000, No. 16, pp. 115-121, 東京都千代田区, 2000年12月) - 萩谷昌己,小宮健,坂本健作 (oral)
“SAT Engineの計算量の解析 −確率アルゴリズムとしてのDNAアルゴリズム−”
(新しい計算パラダイムシンポジウム2000 論文集, 情報処理学会シンポジウムシリーズ, Vol. 2000, No. 16, pp. 109-114, 東京都千代田区, 2000年12月) - 小宮健,木賀大介,合津秀隆,西川明男,坂本健作,横山茂之,萩谷昌己 (poster)
(第22回日本分子生物学会年会,福岡市,1999年12月) - 小宮健,木賀大介,合津秀隆,西川明男,坂本健作,横山茂之,萩谷昌己 (oral)
(第36回日本生物物理学会年会,和光市,1998年10月) - 木賀大介,小宮健,有田正規,西川明男,坂本健作,横山茂之,萩谷昌己 (poster)
Invited presentation, requested presentation, etc.
Invited presentation
- 小宮健
(バイオインダストリー奨励賞受賞者セミナー「がん診断の最前線」,オンライン,2021年2月) - 小宮健
(第4回分子ロボティクス年次大会,オンライン,2020年10月) - Ken Komiya
“Implementation of in vitro intelligence for real-time operation of molecular robots”
(第52回日本生物物理学会年会,札幌市,2014年9月) - Ken Komiya
“Implementation of in vitro intelligence for controlling molecular robots”
(第51回日本生物物理学会年会,京都市,2013年10月) - 小宮健
(システム・情報部門 学術講演会 2012 (SSI2012), 名古屋市, 2012年11月) - Ken Komiya
“Innovation of a Molecular Robot Based on Dynamical DNA Nanotechnology for Achieving an Embedded Controller of Molecular Reaction”
(2011 Genomic Sciences Research Complex (GSC) Tanabata Meeting, Yokohama, August 2011) - Ken Komiya, Kensaku Sakamoto, Shigeyuki Yokoyama, John Anthony Rose and Masami Hagiya
“Single-Molecule Architcture for a DNA State Machine: Whiplash PCR”
(The First International Conference on Biocomputers (Biocomputers 2004), Seoul, October 2004)
Requested presentation
- 小宮健
(核酸化学懇話会2020 北海道・東北地区セミナー,仙台市,2020年1月) - 小宮健
(混沌研究会, 名古屋市, 2017年6月) - 小宮健
(人工知能学会合同研究会 第59回分子生物情報研究会(SIG-MBI), 横浜市, 2015年11月) - 小宮健
(新学術領域「ゆらぎと構造」+「分子ロボティクス」合同研究会,東京都文京区,2015年6月) - 小宮健
(分子ロボティクス研究会 1月例研究会,鳥取市,2015年1月) - 小宮健
(人工知能学会合同研究会 第51回分子生物情報研究会(SIG-MBI), 横浜市, 2012年11月) - 小宮健
(ナノデバイス研究会, 横浜市, 2009年9月) - 小宮健
“はなれてみる ‐ 視点を変える、マテリアルを変える”
(MesoMolSys研究会 第1回夏季セミナー2008,東京都文京区,2008年9月)
Awards for supervised student research projects
- メンターとして研究指導したTitech Nano-Jugglersの
日本学生支援機構 平成26年度 優秀学生顕彰
学術分野 〔分子ロボッティクス〕 大賞
(2014年12月) - As a mentor of Team Platanus Symphony,
* Best YouTube video
3rd place
* Best T-shirt
* Project Awards
“Cosmetic Biomolecular System”
(Internatonal Bio-molecular Design Competition (BIOMOD) 2013, Boston, November 2013) - メンターを務めたTeam Platanus Symphony,
* (Total Combined Score)
“Construction of a Cosmetics-oriented Biomolecular System”
(BIOMOD Japan Meeting 2013, 東京都文京区, 2013年9月) - As a mentor of Titech Nano-Jugglers,
* Grand Prize (Total Combined Score)
3rd place
* Best Wiki
3rd place (tie)
* Best YouTube video
2nd place
* 2nd Annual MOLBOT Award
Winner (tie)
* Project Awards
“Biomolecular Rocket”
(Internatonal Bio-molecular Design Competition (BIOMOD) 2012, Boston, November 2012) - メンターを務めたTitech Nano-Jugglers,
* (Total Combined Score)
“Photo-Controlled JET –Rail Free & High Speed Molecular Robot–”
(BIOMOD Japan Meeting 2012, 東京都文京区, 2012年9月) - As a mentor of Team Japan: Tokyo,
* Grand Prize (Total Combined Score)
1st Runner Up (2nd place)
* Best YouTube video
1st Runner Up (2nd place)
* Project Awards
“Highly Functional Giant Molecular Robot, “DNA ciliate””
(Internatonal Bio-molecular Design Competition (BIOMOD) 2011, Boston, November 2011)